Latest ArticleThe Problem with the 4% Rule (and Why You Could Retire Even Sooner)The 4% rule wasn't made for early retirement. Here's a new withdrawal strategy that could allow you to retire even sooner!More Articles →Latest PodcastValuable Lessons from My Eighth Year of FreedomIt's been eight years since I left my full-time job, and here's what I learned from the last three years of post-FI life!More Episodes → Laboratory Instruments FI Spreadsheet Portfolio Manager FI Tracker Research Topics Tax AvoidanceInvestingTravel Hacking Popular ArticleMega Backdoor RothThe Mega Backdoor Roth strategy could allow you to contribute an extra $37,000 to your Roth IRA in 2019!All Articles →Popular PodcastSane Fientist – My Wife’s Thoughts on Financial IndependenceOn today's episode of the Financial Independence Podcast, I interview my wife Jill to find out her thoughts on FI and this unconventional life we lead!All Episodes →